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lundi 24 février 2025 – 20:00


Atomic Café

ADULT. & Spike Hellis — USA — Electro-Synth Punk

Atomic Café - Bienne

L'emblématique duo synth-pop/électro ADULT. (Détroit, USA) est en tournée durant le mois de février 2024 en soutien à leur nouvel album qui sortira sur le label Dias Records, collaborateur de longue date.

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With a lengthy discography littered with records that are considered legendary in their genres, ADULT. have built themselves a considerable audience worldwide through multiple highly acclaimed releases through cult label Dais Records and extensive touring history through the USA and Europe with acts such as Cold Cave, My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult, Protomatyr, Plack Blague, Hide, and many more.The band's touring history has seen ADULT. appear at a slew of major international festivals throughout their career where they continue to thrill audiences.

Adam Lee Miller and Nicola Kuperus have spent their entire career as ADULT. obscuring any defined genre or style. With a history as uncanny as ADULT., the pieces that making up Perception is/as/of Deception might be perceived as their most punk-infused and introspective work to date. The elements of frustration and apprehension that have consistently woven throughout their material are at full mast, although augmented by a strident and more “head-on” approach.

With the rampant sense of emptiness on the minds of many these days, there continues to be few attempts at scoring these common, unfortunate human qualities with pure sincerity. Thankfully, ADULT. has a long-standing reputation for creating the soundtrack for our insecurities, and Perception is/as/of Deception further solidifies their apprehensive position.

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Atomic Café

5, Place de la Gare

2502 Bienne

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