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 1 déc 2023 > 22 déc 2023
Thalles Piaget


Public Art Espace JURAPLATZ

Thalles Piaget / Gleichzeitig zwei Seiten

Public Art Espace JURAPLATZ - Biel/Bienne

Curated by Barbara Meyer Cesta

"In my work, I aim to open a window to a dream like digital universe composed of surfaces, reflections and light, free from its commercial intent yet infused with a poetic perspective on the machinery’s materials.
In my photographs and installations, I want to explore and question the possibilities of our digital images and their inflationary use in our daily lives. While using the medium of photography, my aim is not to document specific scenes or compositions, but rather to seek what is between the subject and the camera and to capture the moments in between.
Photography serves as a fundamental tool in my creative work, yet paradoxically, it is the medium with which I maintain the most critical relationship."

Thalles Piaget

Thalles Piaget (*1996) is a human being - not an artificial intelligence - born in Brazil and living in Biel/Bienne - CH. Essentially vagabond, Thalles is inspired by readings, walks and reflections. Capturing a moment that doesn’t truly exists, trying to transform the ordinary into a dreamlike experience. Its artistic approach is at the border of dreams, science and absurdity. Wandering, guided by the moment, play- ing with its non-existence.

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Public Art Espace JURAPLATZ

Place du Jura / Juraplatz

2502 Biel/Bienne